The Net Blog The Net Blog - The only blog you'll need for web/app development & design!

Five Time Saving React Packages You MUST Try

React is a powerful tool, but sometimes you might be find yourself spending way too much time creating simple elements, that really shouldn’t take that long. Today I’ll be showing you five React packages (plus bonus) that save you tons!

Five Useful Array Methods You Might Not Know

Welcome! I don’t want to spend too much time in the introduction this time, but today I will (hopefully) teach you and show you technically six array methods that you probably didn’t know!

STOP! Use This Instead of Create React App

In 2022, using create-react-app might not be the greatest, not because it’s a bad tool, but because there are other alternatives that offer a lot more and overall are just a lot more practical to use, today I’ll be showing you why you should stop using creacte-react-app, and some better alternatives to it too!

Five Underated CSS Properties You NEED to Try Out!

Helloooo! Today I’m gonna be talking about 5 CSS properties (or actually 3 properties, and 2 pseudo classes), that I think deserve more love.

Goodbye Firebase Hello Supabase

Ok so we all know Firebase, a handful of tools aimed for app and web developers. Mainly used for their docuement-based database, their authentication using various social services or email and a realtime database. Supabase is a fairly new open-source alternative (unlike Firebase which is mantained by google), offer some similar tools for an afforable price too and with easy to understand and learn API.

Five Free Apis You Need for Your Next Project

Hi! Welcome, or welcome back to a new blog post! I’m gonna be sharing with you some awesome FREE apis that you can easily implement into your projects as they don’t require any api keys or authentication! Without wasting any more time, let’s get started!