Helloooo! Today I’m gonna be talking about 5 CSS properties (or actually 3 properties, and 2 pseudo classes), that I think deserve more love.

Table Of Contents

  1. accent-color
  2. caret-color
  3. ::selection (pseudo class)
  4. user-select
  5. :empty (pseudo class)
  6. Final Thoughts


To start of, this is a great css property just to add a little bit of more detail to your user-interface. This property applies to the input types:

  • <progress>
  • <input type="checkbox">
  • <input type="range">
  • <input type="radio">

The accent-color property allows you to very set the accent color (what you often see in radio-buttons, checkboxes, etc) to whatever color you’d like!


progress {
  accent-color: red;

input[type=checkbox] {
  accent-color: red;

input[type=radio] {
  accent-color: red;

input[type=range] {
  accent-color: red;

Accent Color CSS Example


While barley noticable, the caret-color works perfecly with the accent-color property, and is a very nice little detail you should consider adding and using.


input {
  caret-color: red;

selection (pseudo class)

While I know this is not really very unknown, I still don’t see it used enough. The simple ::selection pseudo element can very easily spice up your website by changing the styles of selected elements.


::selection {
  background: red;
  color: white;

Selection Pseudo Element Example


Like the selection property, this might not be the most unnknown property, but I still don’t see it used enough. The backdrop-filter property allows you to apply a variety of filters to the area behind an element.


  • blur()
  • brightness()
  • contrast()
  • drop-shadow()
  • grayscale()
  • hue-rotate()
  • invert()
  • opacity()
  • sepia()
  • saturate()


div.background {
  background: url(image.jpg) no-repeat center;
  background-size: cover;
  height: 100px;
  width: 100px;

div.filterbox {
  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4);
  backdrop-filter: sepia(100%);
  width: 50px;
  height: 100px;

Backdrop Filter Example

empty (pseudo class)

The empty pseudo class matches every element that has no children. This can be either element nodes or text (includind whitespaces). A fun usecase for this is for example when image is loading.

div {
width: 60px;
height: 60px;
background: grey;

div:empty {
  border: 2px solid red;

Empty Pseudo Class Example

Final Thoughts

That’s it for today’s list, there are of course there are a lot more tha I haven’t mentioned, but I appreciate you spending your time reading this post, if you’d like to read more here you go:

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